
Invasion of the Neptune Men (1961)

Directed by Koji Ota

Science Fiction | Action | Adventure

Most recently watched by sleestakk


Astronomer Shinichi Tachibana has a secret identity as the superhero “Iron Sharp” and is well beloved by children. When they are attacked by a group of metallic aliens, Iron Sharp drives the aliens away. The resourceful Tachibana helps develop an electric barrier to block the aliens from coming to the Earth. After several losses by the aliens, they announce that they will invade the Earth, throwing the world into a state of panic.

Length 74 minutes


Sonny Chiba | Shinjirô Ehara | Ryuko Mizukami | Mitsue Komiya | Seiichirô Kameishi | Shiro Okamoto | Rinichi Yamamoto | Kappei Matsumoto | Takashi Kanda | Ken Sudo | Junji Masuda | Koji Sahara | Harold Conway | Yuji Kitamine | Tadashi Minamikawa | Kôji Sekiyama | Gôzô Sôma | Akikane Sawa | Masazumi Okabe | Shirô Ôki | Jo Moriya | Kosaku Okano | Kenji Todoroki | Kenji Miyako | Akira Katayama

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/17/2025Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned7 stars

Viewing Notes

Little baby-faced Chiba! Why is this rated so poorly in IMDb? This is the kind of movie that would have played well on Saturday Morning Creature Feature because they used to play a lot of American ‘50s sci-fi films. This would fit right in. This is obviously made for a young audience and can be silly at times but the practical effects in the final act are amazingly good. The blending of miniatures with real locations and people is done really well; the smaller UFOs are great and their flying scenes are incredibly well done for the time period, even if they are sourced from a previous film (WORLD WAR III BREAKS OUT, which I now need to track down and watch).


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