
Dark Shadows (2012)

Directed by Tim Burton

Comedy | Fantasy

Most recently watched by Javitron, eduardovictory, sleestakk, schofizzy, elisabethwithns, lordofthemovies, Drew73, GMOM65, SIxBORG


Vampire Barnabas Collins is inadvertently freed from his tomb and emerges into the very changed world of 1972. He returns to Collinwood Manor to find that his once-grand estate and family have fallen into ruin.

Rated PG-13 | Length 113 minutes


Johnny Depp | Michelle Pfeiffer | Helena Bonham Carter | Eva Green | Jackie Earle Haley | Jonny Lee Miller | Bella Heathcote | Chloƫ Grace Moretz | Gulliver McGrath | Ray Shirley | Christopher Lee | Alice Cooper | Ivan Kaye | Susanna Cappellaro | Josephine Butler | William Hope | Shane Rimmer | Michael Shannon | Harry Taylor | Glen Mexted | Guy Flanagan | Nigel Whitmey | Philip Bulcock | Sophie Kennedy Clark | Hannah Murray | Victoria Bewick | Sean Mahon | Alexia Osborne | Richard Hollis | Felicity Brangan | Michael Anthony Brown | Charlotte Spencer | Gabriel Freilich | Justin Tracy | Thomas Grube | Jeff Mash | Raffey Cassidy | Jonathan Frid | Kathryn Leigh Scott | Lara Parker | David Selby | Janine Craig | Adelle Young | Dominika Van Santen | Josephine McGrail | Lasco Atkins | Gintare Beinoraviciute | Greg Bennett | Ashley Bernard | Victoria Bryan | Kenneth W. Caravan | Duncan Casey | James Cook | James Cooper | Edward Coupland | Andrew Crayford | Vincent Curson-Smith | Leigh Daniels | Jel Djelal | Romain Faure | Marco Flammer | Javier Fontana | Jake Francis | Shonn Gregory | David Handley | Daniel Harland | Lee Nicholas Harris | Frank Hellebrand | Chris Martin Hill | Tony Hunter | Christos Lawton | Jorge Leon Martinez | David Lyddon | Ian Mann | Oliver Mayo | Matthew David McCarthy | Thomas McDonell | Ryan McPhail | Duncan Meadows | Dave Melmoth | Dale Mercer | Alex Moore | Stuart Mulcaster | Benjayx Murphy | Marcus Ramtohul | Valery Richardson | Steve Saunders | Ellie Spicer | Phillip Taggart | Nick Thomas-Webster | Matt Tyzack | Charlie Woodford

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/27/2018Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned5 stars
05/13/2012Movie ScreenFilmTheater6 stars

Viewing Notes

Neither as bad as I was led it might be, nor anywhere nearly as good as I hoped it could be, Dark Shadows just trudges along a path between campy comedy and something more dramatic and sinister. As a result it manages to achieve neither to any great degree.

Michelle Pfeiffer turns in a nice understated performance, somehow managing to keep her composure and dignity despite the campiness that surrounds her.

I also enjoyed Jackie Earle Haley’s work as the constantly drunk Willie Loomis. I hope Haley keeps getting more work. Ever since his standout role as Rorschach in The Watchmen, I’ve been a fan.


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