
Shanghai Knights (2003)

Directed by David Dobkin

Action | Adventure | Comedy


When a Chinese rebel murders Chon’s estranged father and escapes to England, Chon and Roy make their way to London with revenge on their minds.

Rated PG-13 | Length 115 minutes


Jackie Chan | Owen Wilson | Fann Wong | Aidan Gillen | Donnie Yen | Tom Fisher | Aaron Taylor-Johnson | Alison King | Constantine Gregory | Anna-Louise Plowman | Georgina Chapman | John Owens | Richard Bremmer | Kim Chan | Gemma Jones | Daisy Beaumont | Stephen Fisher | Matt Hill | Tom Wu | Vincent Wang | Barbara Nedeljáková | Van Hai Bui | Oliver Cotton | Eric Meyers | Jonathan Harvey | Richard Haas | Terry Howson | Ryan James | Barry Stanton | Matthew Storey | Charlie G. Hawkins | Gerard Whelan | Rene Hajek | Ho Ban Le | Vladimír Hrbek | Jirí Mojzís | Marta Andresová | David Listvan | Petra Jezková | Eva Ruzicka | Hanka Scudlová | Hana Jouzová | Tom Klar | Jan Petrik | Milolas Cech | Karel Urban | Bradley James Allan | Mars | Robert Lin | Wu Gang | James Embree | Nicky Li Chung-Chi

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/17/2020TVBlu-rayLibrary6 stars
11/19/2012TVBroadcastTV6 stars

Viewing Notes

I’ve seen this before and yet remember so little of it… except that horrid pillow fight scene. Forgot that Donnie Yen was in this. Much of Jackie’s fight choreography is pretty good, esp. the opening sequence. But really not a whole lot memorable here, which is probably why I recall almost nothing.


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