
Messiah of Evil (1973)

Directed by Willard Huyck, Gloria Katz


Most recently watched by sensoria, Groovygirl, archstanton43, zombiefreak, Javitron, themarc


A young woman searching for her missing artist father finds herself in the strange seaside town of Point Dume, which seems to be under the influence of a mysterious undead cult.

Rated R | Length 90 minutes


Marianna Hill | Michael Greer | Joy Bang | Anitra Ford | Royal Dano | Elisha Cook Jr. | Charles Dierkop | Bennie Robinson | Morgan Fisher | Emma Truckman | Dyanne Asimow | Herb Margolis | Alex Michaels | Walter Hill | Laurie Charlap-Hyman | Bill L. Norton | Willard Huyck | Gloria Katz | Billy Weber

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/08/2020ComputerBroadcastOther8 stars
02/08/2013PhoneStreamingVideo on Demand7 stars

Viewing Notes

Now I know what everyone’s talking about… really shouldn’t have waited this long after discovering this last October. Damn fine film that works on many levels. It finishes with a wimper, which is the only thing keeping it from a higher rating. It’s nearly all atmosphere here and that becomes yet another character, maybe the best character, in this sleepy seaside horror mystery. It’s on Amazon Instant, atm. Highly recommended.


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