
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

Directed by Stanley Kubrick

Science Fiction | Thriller

Most recently watched by AllAboutSteve, sensoria, schofizzy, danfinn, lordofthemovies, loganpm, krazykat, Mikesmith89, noahphex


Humanity finds a mysterious object buried beneath the lunar surface and sets off to find its origins with the help of HAL 9000, the world’s most advanced super computer.

Rated G | Length 149 minutes


Keir Dullea | Gary Lockwood | William Sylvester | Douglas Rain | Daniel Richter | Leonard Rossiter | Margaret Tyzack | Robert Beatty | Sean Sullivan | Frank W. Miller | Bill Weston | Ed Bishop | Glenn Beck | Alan Gifford | Ann Gillis | Edwina Carroll | Penny Brahms | Heather Downham | Mike Lovell | John Ashley | Jimmy Bell | David Charkham | Keith Denny | Jonathan Daw | Péter Delmár | Terry Duggan | David Fleetwood | Danny Grover | Brian Hawley | David Hines | Anthony Jackson | John Jordan | Scott MacKee | Laurence Marchant | Darryl Paes | Joe Refalo | Andy Wallace | Bob Wilyman | Richard Woods | Maggie d'Abo | Chela Matthison | Judy Kiern | Vivian Kubrick | Kenneth Kendall | Kevin Scott | Martin Amor | S. Newton Anderson | Sheraton Blount | Ann Bormann | Julie Croft | Penny Francis | Marcella Markham | Irena Marr | Krystyna Marr | Kim Neil | Jane Pearl | Penny Pearl | Burnell Tucker | John Swindells | John Clifford | Stanley Kubrick | Harry Fielder | John Ashley

Viewing History (seen 3 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/28/2016Movie ScreenFilmTheater9 stars
07/15/2014Movie ScreenFilmTheater8.5 stars
02/21/2013Movie ScreenFilmTheater9 stars

Viewing Notes

AMAZING!! Third film for me at the 70mm Film Festival and simply amazing.

I won’t go into the long winded story about how I failed to buy a ticket online and showed up to a soldout event only to be placed on the waitlist. It was harrowing in a cinefile sense b/c I really thought I wasn’t going to make into this final screening. So glad I got in b/c this film is just so beautiful on the big screen.

I can’t in good faith call this a rewatch since I haven’t seen it since I was kid and remember so little of it. Somehow mixed up the Dawn of Man opening thinking it was somewhere in the middle of the film. It has always terrified me. Now having seen this completely it’s so apparent how many films cribbed from this movie.

During the viewing I had flashbacks to Beyond the Black Rainbow, Moon, Star Wars, Alien and other films. Way more humorous than I remembered as well but it’s likely I wouldn’t have picked up on those comedy beats as a kid.

Honestly this was like a dream to see on the big screen in 70mm w/a very respective crowd. Glad Pat made it out. Def an experience I won’t forget. Now I can finally watch 2010!


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