
Death Promise (1977)

Directed by Robert Warmflash

Action | Crime

Most recently watched by sensoria


An apartment dweller goes on a search-and-destroy mission to kill the ruthless landlords who murdered his father.

Rated R | Length 95 minutes


Charles Bonet | Speedy Leacock | Bill Louie | Thompson Kao Kang | Vincent Van Lynn | Thom Kendell | Abe Hendy | Bob O'Connell | David Kirk | Tony De Caprio | Bob Long | Jason Lau | Wai Ng | Monica Germaine | Pete Richardson | Robert Banks | Stuart Warmflash | Tony Liu

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/15/2013TVDVDRented6 stars

Viewing Notes

Not a bad late 70s martial arts revenge grindhouse flick! Charlie’s dad gets killed so he and his karate buddies set out to kill everyone involved using some creative kills including a sack of rats covering someone’s head.

I like Charles Bonet as an actor. He has a real street feel in his method. The yakuza tie-in is so ridiculous here I can’t honestly tag this film with that. Maybe the only really dumb thing here.


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