
Jason and the Argonauts (1963)

Directed by Don Chaffey

Action | Adventure | Fantasy

Most recently watched by sensoria, jakeneff, scottfinn


Jason, a fearless sailor and explorer, returns to his home land of Thessaly after a long voyage to claim his rightful throne. He learns, however, that he must first find the magical Golden Fleece. To do so, he must embark on an epic quest fraught with fantastic monsters and terrible perils.

Rated G | Length 104 minutes


Todd Armstrong | Nancy Kovack | Gary Raymond | Laurence Naismith | Niall MacGinnis | Michael Gwynn | Douglas Wilmer | Jack Gwillim | Honor Blackman | John Cairney | Patrick Troughton | Andrew Faulds | Nigel Green | John Crawford | Ferdinando Poggi | Ennio Antonelli | Harold Bradley | Aldo Cristiani | Eva Haddon | Doug Robinson | Davina Taylor | Tim Turner

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/08/2018TVBlu-rayOwned8 stars
05/07/2013TVDVDOwned8 stars

Viewing Notes

With the passing of Ray Harryhausen today I felt it appropriate to finally crack the shrink wrap on this DVD and give it a spin. It’s been ages since I’ve seen this film but it was a staple of my youth. I even saw it at the drive-in once back when drive-ins regularly screened films like this. Sad day but what a life Ray enjoyed. Such an influence on so many and one of my biggest influences. So glad I was able to meet him at Wonderfest in 1996. Still one of the greatest days of my life. Thank you, Ray Harryhausen. You were an inspiration to us all. Pure magic.


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