
Battle Beyond the Stars (1980)

Directed by Jimmy T. Murakami

Science Fiction | Action | Adventure

Most recently watched by Javitron, sensoria, seanCduregger


A young farmer assembles a band of diverse mercenaries to defend his peaceful planet from an evil tyrant.

Rated PG | Length 104 minutes


Richard Thomas | Robert Vaughn | John Saxon | George Peppard | Darlanne Fluegel | Sybil Danning | Sam Jaffe | Jeff Corey | Morgan Woodward | Marta Kristen | Julia Duffy | Earl Boen | John Gowans | Lynn Carlin | Lara Cody | Lawrence Steven Meyers | Eric Morris | Kathy Griffin

Viewing History (seen 4 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/28/2020TVBlu-rayOwned7.5 stars
03/17/2018Movie ScreenDigitalTheater7.5 stars
09/03/2011TVBlu-rayOwned7.5 stars
06/05/2010TVOtherOther7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Like a warm blanket I revisited Battle Beyond the Stars (1980), which I haven’t seen the 80s most likely. Why this film hasn’t received a decent DVD/BD release is “beyond” me… because hot damn do I still love this cheesy battle in space flick. Crazy how much of it I didn’t remember yet certain sequences are crystallized in my brain.

Robert Vaughn will forever be the badass that he is here. As a kid I never connected the Seven Samurai storyline but at least now I know why I enjoyed it so much then and still enjoy it now… because of that retelling of Kurosawa’s great tale (Magnificent Seven is also a favorite of mine).


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