
The Bling Ring (2013)

Directed by Sofia Coppola

Drama | Crime

Most recently watched by PeterMartin, noahphex, Javitron, schofizzy, squeegull, danielt, CaptainBigTime, sensoria, nwesterhouse, Allison


Inspired by actual events, a group of fame-obsessed teenagers use the Internet to track celebrities’ whereabouts in order to rob their homes.

Rated R | Length 90 minutes


Katie Chang | Emma Watson | Taissa Farmiga | Claire Julien | Israel Broussard | Leslie Mann | Georgia Rock | Carlos Miranda | Gavin Rossdale | Stacy Edwards | G. Mac Brown | Marc Coppola | Janet Song | Annie Fitzgerald | Lorenzo Hunt | Timothy Starks | Rich Ceraulo | Joe Nieves | Nelson Rockford | Doug DeBeech | Erin Daniels | Patricia Lentz | Michelle Alegria | Stacey Turner | Brian Gattas | Logan Miller | Marcia Ann Burrs | Michael Yo | Halston Sage | Marshall Bell | Brenda Koo | Maika Monroe | Isabel Lasker | Adea Lennox | Keenan Henson | Rachelle Carson | Peter Bigler | Chad Brannon | Zoë Bleu Sidel | Cari Champion | Nina Siemaszko | Bailey Coppola | Yolanda Lloyd Delgado | Linc Hand | Brett Goodkin | Paris Hilton | Kevin Spencer | Sean Phillips | Bobby Ashhurst | Karl Risinger | Dale Champion | Kirsten Dunst

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/03/2013Movie ScreenDigitalTheater6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

About as much substance as a balloon but still mostly entertaining mainly for how well Coppola captures this subset of disaffected teens and their celebrity obsession. Oddly relatable to some misadventures from my own youth although mine hardly contained the hubris on display here. Not crazy about this film but more enjoyable than her last feature. Ratings bump for the style and acting.


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