
Lady Terminator (1989)

Directed by H. Tjut Djalil

Horror | Action | Supernatural

Most recently watched by sensoria, Javitron, archstanton43, noahphex


The spirit of an ancient evil queen posesses the body of a young anthropological student, who then goes on a murderous rampage.

Rated R | Length 82 minutes


Barbara Anne Constable | Christopher J. Hart | Claudia Angelique Rademaker | Joseph P. McGlynn | Adam Jagwani | Ikang Fawzi | Fortunella | Yurike Prastica | Harun Syarief | Jeffry Waworuntu | H.I.M. Damsyik | Johan Saimima | Herman Permana | Eddy Gunawan | Heru Sutanto | Jack Maland

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/20/2012Movie ScreenFilmTheater7 stars
11/03/2010TVOtherOther6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

This was tonight’s Horror Movie Night selection. Good thing cuz I’ve been wanting to see this for ages and keep putting it off. Super trashy and filled with head-scratching dialogue. Super fun and highly recommended. Completely forgot that I own this on DVD. Doh!


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