
Lady Terminator (1989)

Directed by H. Tjut Djalil

Action | Horror

Most recently watched by sensoria, Javitron, archstanton43, noahphex


The spirit of an ancient evil queen posesses the body of a young anthropological student, who then goes on a murderous rampage.

Rated R | Length 82 minutes


Barbara Anne Constable | Christopher J. Hart | Claudia Angelique Rademaker | Joseph P. McGlynn | Adam Jagwani | Ikang Fawzi | Fortunella | Yurike Prastica | Harun Syarief | Jeffry Waworuntu | H.I.M. Damsyik | Johan Saimima | Herman Permana | Eddy Gunawan | Heru Sutanto | Jack Maland

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/20/2012Movie ScreenFilmTheater7 stars
11/03/2010TVOtherOther6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Second film for the Cinemapocalypse event at the Music Box Theatre. Excellent intro by Zack and Lars. Never thought I would see this on the big screen. Amazing and so damn much fun. Such a treat.


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