
A Trip to the Moon (1902)

Directed by Georges Méliès

Science Fiction | Comedy | Short

Most recently watched by sensoria, philipjablon, archstanton43, Javitron


Professor Barbenfouillis and five of his colleagues from the Academy of Astronomy travel to the Moon aboard a rocket propelled by a giant cannon. Once on the lunar surface, the bold explorers face the many perils hidden in the caves of the mysterious planet.

Rated NR | Length 15 minutes


Georges Méliès | Bleuette Bernon | François Lallement | Henri Delannoy | Victor André | Brunnet | Depierre | Farjaut | Kelm | Jeanne d'Alcy | Jules-Eugène Legris

Viewing History (seen 3 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/02/2021TVStreamingVideo on Demand7 stars
03/17/2018Movie ScreenDigitalTheater8.5 stars
04/12/2014Movie ScreenDigitalTheater8.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Probably haven’t seen this entire short since I saw it in college. Great to see on the big screen with live organ accompaniment.


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