Animation | Adventure | Science Fiction
Kenichi and his detective uncle, Shunsaku Ban, leave Japan to visit Metropolis, in search of the criminal, Dr. Laughton. However, when they finally find Dr. Laughton, Kenichi and Shunsaku find themselves seperated and plunged into the middle of a larger conspiracy. While Shunsaku searches for his nephew and explanations, Kenichi tries to protect Tima (a mysterious young girl), from Duke Red and his adopted son Rock, both of whom have very different reasons for wanting to find her.
Rated PG-13 | Length 108 minutes
Kei Kobayashi | Yuka Imoto | Kohki Okada | Taro Ishida | Kousei Tomita | Norio Wakamoto | Junpei Takiguchi | Takeshi Aono | Masaru Ikeda | Shun Yashiro | Toshio Furukawa | Shigeru Chiba | Masashi Ebara | Takaya Hashi | Norihiro Inoue | Rikako Aikawa | Tomohisa Asou | Michael Shitanda | Shigeru Shibuya | Tomoyuki Shimura | Tomokazu Sugita | Kenichi Suzumura | Keiichi Sonobe | Takeshi Sasaki | Susumu Chiba | Makoto Higo | Mami Koyama | Yuuko Minaguchi | Rica Matsumoto | Daisuke RyĆ» | Takashi Yanase | Gou Nagai | Yutaka Hayashi | Toshiyuki Honda | Kozue Okada | DJ Taro | Tatsuya Fukunoue | Ken Ayugai | Yusuke Suzuki
Date Viewed | Device | Format | Source | Rating |
05/23/2014 | TV | DVD | Owned | 7 stars |
01/26/2002 | Movie Screen | Film | Theater | 7.5 stars |
(Average) 7.25 stars |
So much about this movie I really love especially the animation style of Osamu Tezuka’s original manga. The story is a tad convoluted and the digital animation doesn’t mesh well with the hand-drawn cell animation. But I dig the big ideas distilled down to a simple adventure tale.
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