
Terror Beneath the Sea (1966)

Directed by Hajime Sato

Science Fiction | Horror

Most recently watched by sensoria


While covering a test of guided torpedoes, two reporters believe they see what appears to be a strange-looking swimming creature. They investigate the matter further and discover that there is a race of fish-men living under the sea. The fish-men capture the pair and keep them prisoner in their underwater city.

Length 84 minutes


Sonny Chiba | Peggy Neal | Franz Gruber | Andrew Hughes | Erik Neilson | Mike Danine | Beverly Keller | Gunther Braun | Koji Miemachi | Tadashi Suganuma | Hideo Murota | Osamu Yamanouchi | Kosaku Okano | Ichiro Mizuki | Akemi Fuji | Enver Altenbay | Hans Horneff | Steve Queens

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/12/2019TVStreamingVideo on Demand0 stars
06/27/2014TVDVDRented6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Okay this isn’t a good film but it may be one of the most entertaining films I’ve watched at home this year. I haven’t laughed that much during any movie I’ve seen in the past few months. This is really the perfect B-Fest movie. In fact, I’m gonna try to convince them to schedule it. I can’t even imagine how much fun this would be with that crowd.

As a Toei co-production between Japan and US, it’s crazy how serious they approach this thing. The characters, the dialogue, the silly water cyborgs, everything is so damn goofy and yet they play it straight. It’s astonishing to witness and makes it that much more hilarious.

Great to see babyfaced Sonny Chiba. Would’ve been great to have him opposite Mifune in a period film. Or any film. I think they’d play off each other rather well like father and son or an upstart against his elder rival.

Pretty cool that Dark Sky Films released this. Didn’t realize they were picking up older titles. I’d love to see the full length Japanese version of this movie.


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