
Annabelle (2014)

Directed by John R. Leonetti

Supernatural | Horror

Most recently watched by zombiefreak, ashe5k, schofizzy, sensoria


A couple begins to experience terrifying supernatural occurrences involving a vintage doll shortly after their home is invaded by satanic cultists.

Rated R | Length 99 minutes


Annabelle Wallis | Ward Horton | Tony Amendola | Alfre Woodard | Eric Ladin | Kerry O'Malley | Brian Howe | Ivar Brogger | Gabriel Bateman | Shiloh Nelson | Morganna Bridgers | Michelle Romano | Paige Diaz | Tree O'Toole | Trampas Thompson | Camden Singer | Keira Daniels | Richard Allan Jones | Christopher Shaw | Geoff Wehner | Sasha Sheldon | Robin Pearson Rose | Joseph Bishara | Emily Brobst

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/22/2016TVBlu-rayLibrary0 stars
10/04/2014Movie ScreenDigitalTheater7 stars


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