
Morgan (2016)

Directed by Luke Scott

Science Fiction | Horror | Thriller

Most recently watched by VicnaLobster, sensoria


A corporate risk-management consultant must determine whether or not to terminate an artificial being’s life that was made in a laboratory environment.

Rated R | Length 92 minutes


Kate Mara | Anya Taylor-Joy | Toby Jones | Rose Leslie | Boyd Holbrook | Michelle Yeoh | Jennifer Jason Leigh | Paul Giamatti | Michael Yare | Chris Sullivan | Vinette Robinson | Brian Cox | Crispian Belfrage | Amybeth McNulty | Jonathan Aris | Charlotte Asprey | Frank Cannon

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/02/2022TVBlu-rayLibrary7 stars
09/02/2016Movie ScreenDigitalTheater6 stars

Viewing Notes

Not bad albeit very derivative. Kinda want to believe that this world is the same world as Ex-Machina unfolding in the same area. Kata Mara and Rose Leslie go a long way in making this interesting. It’s pretty obvious what’s going on with Mara’s character as the “cleaner” for this experiment gone awry. Watchable but not necessary on the big screen. In fact I was one of 4 people in the third largest screen at my nearby multiplex on this Friday evening.

Too bad because I’d like to see more films with Mara’s character. Also great to see Michelle Yeoh again this week on the big screen. Wish she was given a larger part in this.


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