
Samurai Rebellion (1967)

Directed by Masaki Kobayashi

Action | Drama


The mother of a feudal lord’s only heir is kidnapped away from her husband by the lord. The husband and his samurai father must decide whether to accept the unjust decision, or risk death to get her back.

Rated G | Length 121 minutes


Toshirō Mifune | Yôko Tsukasa | Gô Katô | Tatsuyoshi Ehara | Etsuko Ichihara | Isao Yamagata | Tatsuya Nakadai | Shigeru Kôyama | Michiko Otsuka | Tatsuo Matsumura | Masao Mishima | Jun Hamamura | Takamaru Sasaki | Hideo Fukuhara | Tetsuko Kobayashi | Hisano Yamaoka | Yoshirô Aoki

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/26/2017Movie ScreenFilmTheater8 stars
01/02/2014TVDVDLibrary8 stars

Viewing Notes

Part of The Magnificent Mifune event at Film Center in conjunction with the release of the Mifune documentary. Very cool to see this movie on the big screen and in 35mm!


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