
Legacy of the 500,000 (1963)

Directed by Toshirō Mifune

Drama | Adventure


During World War II, Japan sends gold to the Phillipines. After the war, the gold is lost in the bay of Manille. Former soldier Takeichi Matsuo is now working as a business executive. He meets Mintsura Gunji, the boss of a large company, who offers him to go to the Philippines and bring back the gold.

Length 97 minutes


Toshirō Mifune | Tatsuya Mihashi | Tsutomu Yamazaki | Mie Hama | Yuriko Hoshi | Yoshio Tsuchiya | Sachio Sakai | Yoshifumi Tajima | Tetsu Nakamura | Keiko Yamada | F.J. Horning | Evie King | Michio Hayashi | Tatsuya Nakadai

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/27/2024TVBroadcastTV7 stars
04/04/2020TVBroadcastOther7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Mifune day on DKUTV to celebrate his 100th birthday. Catching one I haven’t seen.

Damn this is really good! Mifune’s only directing work?! He’s great both in front and behind the camera. Solid story of how greed corrupts man every time.


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