
Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989)

Directed by Shinya Tsukamoto

Horror | Science Fiction

Most recently watched by sensoria


A “metal fetishist”, driven mad by the maggots wriggling in the wound he’s made to embed metal into his flesh, runs out into the night and is accidentally run down by a Japanese businessman and his girlfriend. The pair dispose of the corpse in hopes of quietly moving on with their lives. However, the businessman soon finds that he is now plagued by a vicious curse that transforms his flesh into iron.

Rated NR | Length 67 minutes


Tomorowo Taguchi | Shinya Tsukamoto | Kei Fujiwara | Nobu Kanaoka | Naomasa Musaka | Renji Ishibashi

Viewing History (seen 4 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/31/2024Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned8 stars
07/21/2023TVBlu-rayOwned8 stars
07/02/2020TVStreamingVideo on Demand9 stars
06/22/2014TVDVDOwned7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Catching up with this to get my Tsukamoto on. Really happy JBB presented this on The Last Drive-in. Also cool he gives it 4 stars (or 1 Star). This played on the big screen at the 2019 Box of Horrors but I left after it started around 5am bc I was wiped out and it was a DCP (the new one that Arrow/Third Window did). But this would have been wild to see big. I did see the third movie in theater at my first Fantastic Fest.

I love that this was an obvious influence for the next generation of splatter horror directors (Yoshihiro Nishimura. Noboru Iguchi, Yudai Yamaguchi). So many incredible filmmaking techniques utilized and such a batshit flick. This is the movie you’d see clips of here and there back in the day and immediately want to know what the fuck it is.

Really love that JBB seems to really enjoy this movie!


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