
Shaolin Kung-Fu Mystagogue (1977)

Directed by Peng-Yi Chang

Action | Adventure | Eastern


The evil Ching government has taken over and is out to rid the land of the remaining Ming rebel patriots, including the still surviving Ming Prince. Unknowingly, the evil Ching overlord and his men capture the incognito Prince and throw him in jail. Hearing word of the Prince’s capture, Shao Chang and Fang Ping mount a rescue effort to get the Prince before his identity is found out.

Length 90 minutes


Hsu Feng | Carter Wong | Chang Yi | Philip Ko | Chan Siu-Pang | Chin Kang | Pin Chiang | Lung Fei | Liu Ping | Sun Yueh | Ma Cheung | Han Chiang

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/01/2021ComputerStreamingVideo on Demand7.5 stars
11/20/2019TVStreamingVideo on Demand7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

This was blurbed on my TL recently so I started it the other night then finished the last 25 minutes tonight. Such a fun movie that does HOUSE OF TRAPS a half decade earlier with a brother / sister duo (Carter Wong & Hsu Feng). So many crazy weapon fights. Still earmarked for a movie night.


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