
Creature with the Atom Brain (1955)

Directed by Edward L. Cahn

Science Fiction | Crime

Most recently watched by sensoria


Murders, with victims dying from spines broken by brute strength, erupt in the city and the killers, when encountered, walk away unharmed by police bullets which strike them.  A police doctor’s investigation of the deaths leads to the discovery of an army of dead criminal musclemen restored to life, remotely controlled by a vengeful former crime boss and a former Nazi scientist, from the latter’s laboratory hidden in the suburbs.

Rated NR | Length 69 minutes


Richard Denning | S. John Launer | Michael Granger | Gregory Gaye | Angela Stevens | Linda Bennett | Charles Evans | Tris Coffin | Pierre Watkin | Harry Lauter | Larry J. Blake | Paul Hoffman | Nelson Leigh | Edward Coch | Lane Chandler | Don C. Harvey | Richard H. Cutting | Paul Bradley | Karl 'Killer' Davis | Terry Frost | Cap Somers | Tyler McVey | Eddie Foster | Bill Clark | Chuck Hicks | Dick Crockett | George Bruggeman | Charles Horvath | Boyd 'Red' Morgan | Michael Ross

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/12/2021Home TheaterBlu-rayBorrowed5.5 stars
01/30/2015TVDVDRented5 stars

Viewing Notes

Ron texted me at the precise moment when I was literally driving by his home to come over to watch movies… so watch movies we did! This was the second feature we watched being somewhat short it was an ideal choice. Oddly by the title I thought I may have seen this but there are several “atomic brain” type movies from this era. Then we watched the movie and it all seemed like a first time viewing.

Then I get home and log this title and see that I have in fact watched this 6+ years ago. This is becoming all too common anymore ::sadface emoji::

It’s possible that I just didn’t care about the movie on that first viewing (sounds like that from my notes) that my atom brain decided not to retain anything from this movie. That’s too bad b/c this is a p funny example of post-war / cold war low budget Hollywood filmmaking. Like the biggest thing is that characters keep stressing the danger of radiation and exposure yet KEEP EXPOSING THEMSELVES WILLINGLY TO THE RADIATION. ::lol emoji x 3::

Also the homelife / married life dynamic is hilariously depicted. I like that a main character has a noticeable scar across his forehead yet no one notices or comments.


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