
Horror House on Highway Five (1985)

Directed by Richard Casey


Most recently watched by Angjonesy, zombiefreak, Javitron, noahphex


A van full of college students traveling down a highway is terrorized by a psycho killer in a Richard Nixon mask.

Length 87 minutes


Phil Therrien | Max Manthey | Irene Cagen | Michael Castagnolia | Gina Christian | Randy Daitch | Kathleen Battersby | Bill Pope | Richard Meltzer | Susan Leslie | Ronald Reagan | Steve DeVorkin | Robert Gaulin | S. Eisenstein

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/26/2021PhoneBroadcastOther4 stars

Viewing Notes

Either the second or third movie in Kitley’s annual Black Friday movie marathon. I missed the opening credits so I watch the entirety of this movie w/o knowing the title. Whoa is this bad. I’ve seen the title out there and thought I might own it. Someplace like VinSyn released it, I think. It looks like a SOV but I’m p sure it’s not*; just a very low budget strange movie that mostly makes no sense. I saw Coffman in the chatroom regretting staying around to watch this one. hahahahaha

* it’s not bc VS did in fact release this movie


3 years ago

I’m really dumb bc I actually own the VS release! That’s what I get for not having it logged in Pocketpedia.