
It Lives Again (1978)

Directed by Larry Cohen

Horror | Science Fiction

Most recently watched by AllAboutSteve, sensoria, JohnPeel


Maternity wards echo with the patter of tiny claws as more murderous baby-faced monsters are born. But rather than kill their monstrous off-spring during delivery, cursed parents flee to secret incubation hide-outs.

Rated R | Length 90 minutes


Frederic Forrest | Kathleen Lloyd | John P. Ryan | John Marley | Eddie Constantine | Andrew Duggan | James Dixon | Dennis O'Flaherty | Jill Gatsby | Bobby Ramsen | Glenda Young | Lynn Wood

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/03/2021Movie ScreenDigitalTheater6 stars

Viewing Notes

Second movie in our triple feature and one I definitely had not seen. I like this movie a lot for taking the story in a new site rather than just rehashing the first movie.


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