
2046 (2004)

Directed by Wong Kar-wai

Science Fiction | Drama | Romance

Most recently watched by AllAboutSteve


Women enter and exit a science fiction author’s life over the course of a few years after the author loses the woman he considers his one true love.

Rated R | Length 128 minutes


Tony Leung Chiu-Wai | Gong Li | Faye Wong | Takuya Kimura | Zhang Ziyi | Carina Lau | Chang Chen | Dong Jie | Maggie Cheung | Bird McIntyre | Wang Sum | Siu Ping-Lam | Akina Hong Wa | Farini Cheung | Jiang Xinyue | Benz Kong | Alice Lee | Fei-lin Miao | Berg Ng Ting-Yip | Ben Yuen | Ronny Ching Siu-Lung | Li Hsiao-Ming | Cheung Kwok-Hung | Bey Logan

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/27/2021Home TheaterBlu-rayBorrowed8 stars

Viewing Notes

I know this is a (very) loose sequel to In Mood for Love but it really plays like a Murakami story. Gorgeous cinematography and a handsome cast.

Wish i had known this was a Christmas movie!! Could’ve watched last week. Damn


6 months ago

Why last week for Christmas movie?

Good call on Murakami. Hadn’t considered that but yeah that works.

6 months ago

LOL why am I an idiot