
Zeria (2021)

Directed by Harry Cleven

Drama | Science Fiction

Most recently watched by sensoria


Gaspard is the last man on Earth. Zeria, his grandson, is the first human to be born on Mars. Gaspard tells him about his life, his fears and his loves in the hope that Zeria will come to see him before he dies. Zeria would be the first human being to return to Earth without having ever known it.

Length 61 minutes


Merlin Delens | Coralie Vanderlinden

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/25/2022Home TheaterStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

Our last CFF flick for Day 3. This is kind of movie that is more interesting bc of how it delivers the story. The puppeteering, prosthetics, and miniatures make this an engaging and occasionally creepy viewing. Had this tale been told by conventional means I don’t think I would’ve been as engaged or cared as much.


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