
Kamen Rider: THE FIRST (2005)

Directed by Takao Nagaishi

Science Fiction | Action | Romance

Most recently watched by sensoria


Takeshi Hongo is a man of extraordinary intellect, but his promising future is about to be maliciously snuffed out by and evil secret society known as Shocker. Reinvented against his will and transformed into a powerful experimental cyborg, Hongo will forever be known as Kamen Rider The First.

Length 90 minutes


Masaya Kikawada | Hassei Takano | Rena Komine | Hiroshi Miyauchi | Eiji Wentz | Ryoko Kobayashi | Mayumi Sada | Hideyo Amamoto | Eiji Maruyama | Itsuji Itao | Kanji Tsuda | Renji Ishibashi | Hirotaro Honda | Hitomi Nakahodo | Hiroshi Kamiya | Yasuko Tomita

Viewing History (seen 7 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/03/2024Home TheaterDVDOwned7.5 stars
06/22/2023TVBroadcastTV8 stars
12/16/2022TVBroadcastTV7.5 stars
07/21/2022TVBroadcastTV8 stars
10/02/2020TVBroadcastOther8 stars
10/01/2020TVBroadcastOther7.5 stars
04/09/2020TVBroadcastOther7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Thrilled that we watched one of my all time favorite films in the Secret Cinema. Love love love this movie

Also super happy to finally own this one even if it’s on DVD. Now I need to get the sequel.


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