
Virtual Weapon (1997)

Directed by Antonio Margheriti


Most recently watched by sensoria


A detective duo hunts a criminal organization, which is using an unknown liquid explosive material.

Length 90 minutes


Terence Hill | Marvelous Marvin Hagler | Giselle Blondet | Jennifer Martinez | Stephen Edward | Jacqueline Solomon | Tommy Lane | Glenn Scherer | Jorge Gil | Andy Horne | Dennis Neal | Fritz Sperberg | Tommy Ray Harner | Emilio Plana | Florance McGee | Jack Swanson | Richard Liberty | Ted Bartsch | Jay Amor | Manny Suarez | Sean Cunningham | Mal Jones | Roger Callard | Shana Petrone | Robert Goodman | Nestor Villacampa | Carmen López | Mario Ernesto Sánchez | Libby Brien | Juan C. Bofill | Jess Hill | Emilio Messina | Jeff Moldovan | Edoardo Margheriti | Raffaele Mottola

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/29/2024ComputerBroadcastOther0 stars

Viewing Notes

Tenth and final movie of the TRR-TV B-Fest Tribute Marathon and I’m thrilled were ending with a Margheriti film. Have I mentioned that I’m a Margheriti apologist? haha


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