
Crimes of Passion (1984)

Directed by Ken Russell

Romance | Thriller

Most recently watched by sensoria, VicnaLobster, JohnPeel


Fashion designer Joanna Crane leads a double life. By night she is China Blue, a prostitute who’s attracted the attention of a sexually frustrated private detective, and a psychopathic priest in possession of a murderous sex toy.

Rated R | Length 107 minutes


Kathleen Turner | Anthony Perkins | John Laughlin | Annie Potts | Bruce Davison | Norman Burton | Stephen Lee | Gordon Hunt | Dan Gerrity | Terri Hoyos | Vince McKewin | Deanna Oliver | Patricia Stevens | Janice Renney | John G. Scanlon | Pat McNamara | Christina Lange | Seth Wagerman | Joseph Chapman | Thomas Murphy | Roxanne Mayweather | Jan Rabson | John Rose | Louise Sorel | Lisa Hayslip | Pamela Anderson | Janice Kent | Yvonne McCord | James Crittenden | Ian Petrella | Randall Brady | Peggy Feury | John Gocha | Helen Kelly | Darrell Mapson | Gerald S. O'Loughlin | Molly Russell | Victoria Russell | Carl Solomon | Rick Wakeman

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/22/2024Movie ScreenDigitalTheater6 stars

Viewing Notes

Not a great movie but definitely an entertaining movie thx to the OTT dialogue and fun performances. A lot of it feels like a stage play with those breathy line delivers emphasizing every syllable. Perkins is the easy MVP. Had this on my Kanopy watchlist forever but I’m glad my first viewing was in the theater and a Alamo at that.

Haven’t seen that Lady Lee foods logo since I was probably a teenager. That was a memory bomb.


8 months ago

Oh - I agree it really had a “stage play” feel - especially the scenes in the Paradise Hotel room.  Amazing that this was a first viewing for our group.