
Rage (1995)

Directed by Joseph Merhi

Action | Science Fiction | Thriller

Most recently watched by sensoria


A corrupt right-wing militia group chooses a California teacher as the ideal specimen to clone for its army.

Rated R | Length 95 minutes


Gary Daniels | Kenneth Tigar | Fiona Hutchison | Jillian McWhirter | Peter Jason | Mark Metcalf | Tim Colceri | David Powledge | Doren Fein | Judith Marie-Bergan | Emilio Rivera | David Weininger | Chuck Butto | Ramon Sison | Rod Britt | Luis Beckford | Jefferson Wagner | Charles A. Tamburro | Joseph John Barmettler | Barry Nolan | Tracey Flint | Rick Avery | Anthony Backman | Trent Hopkins | Bob Minor | Denney Pierce | Gary Imhoff | Raymond Fitzpatrick | Gary Bullock

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/10/2024TVBroadcastTV8 stars
07/05/2020TVStreamingVideo on Demand8 stars

Viewing Notes

First movie to kick off the 24hr Summer Mind Melter and it’s a doozy from PM Entertainment. Good one to get the blood flowing. Wish this had a proper release from VinSyn since they’ve done Merhi’s other films. It deserves a kick ass release.

Previous notes still stand:

“After Paul’s explosive action triple feature watch party I wanted to keep the momentum going so I fired up this flick, arguably the best PM Entertainment action movie, or so I read. Sadly was too tired to truly appreciate the explosive awesomeness so I pushed to this evening and holy shit I think I may agree; this movie is fucking incredible. Of course I haven’t seen every PM Entertainment flick but I’ve seen many and this one is easily at or near the top in terms of action and stuntwork and explosions.

Also this might be the best role + film for Gary Daniels that I’ve seen. He’s a school teacher that gets caught up in this wild ass deep secret operation to make super soldiers from Mexican immigrants. But Daniels escapes and the pursuit is on. It is just amazing. I really didn’t know where each stunt was headed and was always surprised.

Sure it’s super schmaltzy but paced well and so many great action beats around Los Angeles and SoCal. What’s more hilarious is that the shopping mall in the big finale inexplicably has a video rental store that only features PM Entertainment flicks! So damn funny to see that. I hope that Long Beach Mall is still around today.”


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