
Too Late for Tears (1949)

Directed by Byron Haskin

Film Noir | Crime

Most recently watched by AllAboutSteve


Through a fluke circumstance, a ruthless woman stumbles across a suitcase filled with $60,000, and is determined to hold onto it even if it means murder.

Length 99 minutes


Lizabeth Scott | Don DeFore | Dan Duryea | Arthur Kennedy | Kristine Miller | Barry Kelley | Kevin O'Morrison | June Storey | James Nolan | Forbes Murray | Billy Halop | David Clarke | Denver Pyle | Renee Donatt | Jimmy Ames | Georgia Backus | Robert Bice | John Butler | Jimmie Dodd | Richard Irving | Perry Ivins | Robert Kellard | George Mann | John Mansfield | Alex Montoya | Virginia Mullen | Robert Neff | Garry Owen | Jack Shea | Brick Sullivan | Carl Thompson | Harry J. Vejar | Patricia Wallace | Billy Wayne | Smoki Whitfield | Paul Bradley | Charles Flynn

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/06/2025TVStreamingVideo on Demand7.5 stars
06/12/2020ComputerBroadcastOther7 stars

Viewing Notes

Was exhausted from Monday work and usual lack of sleep so put this on via Prime and knew I had seen it as soon as Liz Scott appears. Forgot that previous watch was a special online viewing during the pandemic with Eddie Muller from Noir City hosting. That was cool.

This is a fun movie bc Scott is basically a black widow. Also love the Hollywood setting.


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