
Brain Dead (2007)

Directed by Kevin Tenney

Horror | Comedy

Most recently watched by scottfinn


A sleepy fishing port town is consumed with terror when a small crater crash-lands nearby and releases a slimy parasitic agent that transforms the residents into brain-eating zombies. Cornered in an abandoned fishing lodge, six strangers are forced to band together to stave off the blood-sucking monsters clawing the walls outside.

Rated NR | Length 95 minutes


Joshua Benton | Sarah Grant Brendecke | Michelle Tomlinson | David Crane | Andy Forrest | Cristina Tiberia | Tess McVicker | Greg Lewolt | Jim Wynorski | Dennis Michael Tenney | Chad Guerrero | Elizabeth Lambert

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/25/2013TVStreamingVideo on Demand7.5 stars
01/16/2010Movie ScreenDVDTheater7 stars

Viewing Notes

Went to B-Movie Madness 2 at Portage Theater… only caught a couple of screenings but fortunately I was on the guest list so free entry. And I found a $20 bill on the floor while there.

Saw Tenney’s Brain Dead (2007) w/another Q&A. Excellent B-Horror flicks.


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