
The Fly (1958)

Directed by Kurt Neumann

Horror | Science Fiction

Most recently watched by sensoria, themarc


Industrialist François Delambre is called late at night by his sister-in-law, Helene Delambre, who tells him that she has just killed her husband, André. Reluctant at first, she eventually explains to the police that André invented a matter transportation apparatus and, while experimenting on himself, a fly entered the chamber during the matter transference.

Rated NR | Length 94 minutes


David Hedison | Patricia Owens | Vincent Price | Herbert Marshall | Kathleen Freeman | Betty Lou Gerson | Charles Herbert | Eugene Borden | George Calliga | Harry Carter | Bill Clark | Arthur Dulac | Bess Flowers | Herschel Graham | Torben Meyer | Sol Murgi | George Nardelli | Franz Roehn | Charles Tannen

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/22/2011TVStreamingVideo on Demand7 stars

Viewing Notes

I’ve had The Fly (1958) in my NWI queue almost from the time I started watching Netflix streaming on my PS3. Amazing that it’s stuck around that long and hasn’t expired. Figured now was good as any to give it a spin since I still haven’t seen the original. A little surprised at some of the violence (that crushing machine!). The ending is nuts.


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