
Movies by Tag

zombiefreak has logged 44 movies that were tagged with “exploitation.”

Movies tagged with “exploitation”
TitleDirector(s)Year ReleasedViewed On
FortressArch Nicholson198506/04/2014
First Purge, TheGerard McMurray201807/09/2018
Final FleshIke Sanders200908/30/2017
FangsArt Names197401/08/2014
Cop KillersWalter R. Cichy197705/11/2011
Commando SquadFred Olen Ray198710/16/2013
CoffyJack Hill197306/24/2015
Chained HeatPaul Nicholas198306/02/2011
Cat Murkil and the SilksJohn A. Bushelman197606/08/2011
Candy Snatchers, TheGuerdon Trueblood197306/29/2015