Harry Harvey
Movielogr users have logged 36 movies featuring Harry Harvey.
Movies logged featuring Harry Harvey20,000 Leagues Under the Sea | Richard Fleischer | 1954 |
Ace in the Hole | Billy Wilder | 1951 |
Airport | George Seaton | 1970 |
All My Sons | Irving Reis | 1948 |
Bad Day at Black Rock | John Sturges | 1955 |
Bedlam | Mark Robson | 1946 |
Born to Kill | Robert Wise | 1947 |
Convicted | Henry Levin | 1950 |
Day the Earth Stood Still, The | Robert Wise | 1951 |
Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome | John Rawlins | 1947 |
Fatal Hour, The | William Nigh | 1940 |
FBI Story, The | Mervyn LeRoy | 1959 |
Glenn Miller Story, The | Anthony Mann | 1954 |
Great Race, The | Blake Edwards | 1965 |
Gunfighter, The | Henry King | 1950 |
He Walked by Night | Alfred L. Werker | 1949 |
High Noon | Fred Zinnemann | 1952 |
House Across the Bay, The | Alfred Hitchcock, Archie Mayo | 1940 |
Kid Galahad | Michael Curtiz | 1937 |
Narrow Margin, The | Richard Fleischer | 1952 |
Navy Secrets | Howard Bretherton | 1939 |
Nocturne | Edwin L. Marin | 1946 |
Reckless Moment, The | Max Ophüls | 1949 |
Shadow Strikes, The | Lynn Shores | 1937 |
Stay Away, Joe | Peter Tewksbury | 1968 |
Storm Warning | Stuart Heisler | 1951 |
Superman and the Mole Men | Lee Sholem | 1951 |
Theodora Goes Wild | Richard Boleslawski | 1936 |
They Live by Night | Nicholas Ray | 1949 |
They Won't Believe Me | Irving Pichel | 1947 |
This Gun for Hire | Frank Tuttle | 1942 |
Underworld Story, The | Cy Endfield | 1950 |
Woman in Hiding | Michael Gordon | 1950 |
Woman on the Beach, The | Jean Renoir | 1947 |
You Can't Buy Luck | Lew Landers | 1937 |
Youth Runs Wild | Mark Robson | 1944 |