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Average Rating: 6.5/10

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Let's Live a Little (1948)

Directed by Richard Wallace

Most recently watched by sleestakk


A harried, overworked advertising executive is being pursued romantically by one of his clients, a successful perfume magnate ... and his former fiancée. The latest client of the agency is a psychiatrist and author of a new book. When the executive goes over to discuss the ad campaign, the psychiatrist turns out to be a woman. But what does he really need? Romance? Or analysis?

Rated NR | Length 85 minutes


Hedy Lamarr | Robert Cummings | Anna Sten | Robert Shayne | Mary Treen | Harry Antrim | Norma Varden | Byron Foulger | Billy Bevan | Murray Alper | Oliver Blake | Jimmie Dodd | Bess Flowers | Eve Whitney