Movies logged featuring Bess FlowersAbove and Beyond | Melvin Frank, Norman Panama | 1953 |
Absent-Minded Professor, The | Robert Stevenson | 1961 |
Accused of Murder | Joseph Kane | 1956 |
After Office Hours | Robert Z. Leonard | 1935 |
Alias Nick Beal | John Farrow | 1949 |
All About Eve | Joseph L. Mankiewicz | 1950 |
American in Paris, An | Vincente Minnelli | 1951 |
Angel Face | Otto Preminger | 1953 |
Awful Truth, The | Leo McCarey | 1937 |
Babes in Toyland | Jack Donohue, Austen Jewell | 1961 |
Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer, The | Irving Reis | 1947 |
Bad and the Beautiful, The | Vincente Minnelli | 1952 |
Bedside | Robert Florey | 1934 |
Big Sleep, The | Howard Hawks | 1946 |
Bigamist, The | Ida Lupino | 1953 |
Blue Dahlia, The | George Marshall | 1946 |
Blue Hawaii | Norman Taurog | 1961 |
Born to Be Bad | Nicholas Ray | 1950 |
Brooklyn Orchid | Kurt Neumann | 1942 |
Caine Mutiny, The | Edward Dmytryk | 1954 |
Call Me Madam | Walter Lang | 1953 |
Chase, The | Arthur Ripley | 1946 |
Chicago Syndicate | Fred F. Sears | 1955 |
Conflict | Curtis Bernhardt | 1945 |
Dangerous Crossing | Joseph M. Newman | 1953 |
Dangerous Mission | Louis King | 1954 |
Day at the Races, A | Sam Wood | 1937 |
Day the Earth Stood Still, The | Robert Wise | 1951 |
Deadline - U.S.A. | Richard Brooks | 1952 |
Deception | Irving Rapper | 1946 |
Dial M for Murder | Alfred Hitchcock | 1954 |
Dinner at Eight | George Cukor | 1933 |
Don't Bother to Knock | Roy Ward Baker | 1952 |
Double Indemnity | Billy Wilder | 1944 |
Double Life, A | George Cukor | 1947 |
Eternally Yours | Tay Garnett | 1939 |
Every Girl Should Be Married | Don Hartman | 1948 |
Facts of Life, The | Melvin Frank | 1960 |
File on Thelma Jordon, The | Robert Siodmak | 1949 |
Finishing School | George Nichols Jr., Wanda Tuchock | 1934 |
Flesh and Fantasy | Julien Duvivier | 1943 |
Fly, The | Kurt Neumann | 1958 |
Free Soul, A | Clarence Brown | 1931 |
Funny Face | Stanley Donen | 1957 |
G.I. Blues | Norman Taurog | 1960 |
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes | Howard Hawks | 1953 |
Giant | George Stevens | 1956 |
Gilda | Charles Vidor | 1946 |
Glass Key, The | Stuart Heisler | 1942 |
Going Wild | William A. Seiter | 1930 |
Gone with the Wind | Victor Fleming | 1939 |
Grand Hotel | Edmund Goulding | 1932 |
Hideout | Philip Ford | 1949 |
His Kind of Woman | John Farrow | 1951 |
I Love You Again | W.S. Van Dyke | 1940 |
I Married a Witch | René Clair | 1942 |
I Wake Up Screaming | H. Bruce Humberstone | 1941 |
I Walk Alone | Byron Haskin | 1947 |
Illegal | Lewis Allen | 1955 |
Imitation of Life | Douglas Sirk | 1959 |
It Happened One Night | Frank Capra | 1934 |
It Happened Tomorrow | René Clair | 1944 |
It's a Great Feeling | David Butler | 1949 |
Ivy | Sam Wood | 1947 |
Kid Galahad | Michael Curtiz | 1937 |
Lady Eve, The | Preston Sturges | 1941 |
Laura | Otto Preminger | 1944 |
Les Misérables | Richard Boleslawski | 1935 |
Let's Live a Little | Richard Wallace | 1948 |
Locket, The | John Brahm | 1946 |
Lodger, The | John Brahm | 1944 |
Love Affair | Leo McCarey | 1939 |
Mad Doctor of Market Street, The | Joseph H. Lewis | 1942 |
Mad Ghoul, The | James P. Hogan | 1943 |
Mad Miss Manton, The | Leigh Jason | 1938 |
Major and the Minor, The | Billy Wilder | 1942 |
Male Animal, The | Elliott Nugent | 1942 |
Manchurian Candidate, The | John Frankenheimer | 1962 |
Married Bachelor | Edward Buzzell | 1941 |
Mating Season, The | Mitchell Leisen | 1951 |
Maze, The | William Cameron Menzies | 1953 |
Mighty Joe Young | Ernest B. Schoedsack | 1949 |
Mildred Pierce | Michael Curtiz | 1945 |
Monkey Business | Norman Z. McLeod | 1931 |
Mummy's Ghost, The | Reginald Le Borg | 1944 |
Musical Movieland | LeRoy Prinz | 1944 |
My Man Godfrey | Gregory La Cava | 1936 |
Narrow Margin, The | Richard Fleischer | 1952 |
Night at the Opera, A | Sam Wood | 1935 |
Night to Remember, A | Roy Ward Baker | 1958 |
Nightfall | Jacques Tourneur | 1956 |
Ninotchka | Ernst Lubitsch | 1939 |
No Man of Her Own | Mitchell Leisen | 1950 |
Noose Hangs High, The | Charles Barton | 1948 |
North by Northwest | Alfred Hitchcock | 1959 |
Nothing Sacred | William A. Wellman | 1937 |
Notorious | Alfred Hitchcock | 1946 |
Now, Voyager | Irving Rapper | 1942 |
Old Acquaintance | Vincent Sherman | 1943 |
Palm Springs Weekend | Norman Taurog | 1963 |
People Will Talk | Joseph L. Mankiewicz | 1951 |
Perils of Pauline, The | George Marshall | 1947 |
Phantom Lady | Robert Siodmak | 1944 |
Place in the Sun, A | George Stevens | 1951 |
Pocketful of Miracles | Frank Capra | 1961 |
Prize, The | Mark Robson | 1963 |
Prowler, The | Joseph Losey | 1951 |
Rally 'Round the Flag, Boys! | Leo McCarey | 1958 |
Rear Window | Alfred Hitchcock | 1954 |
Rich, Young and Pretty | Norman Taurog | 1951 |
Richest Girl in the World, The | William A. Seiter | 1934 |
Roaring Twenties, The | Raoul Walsh | 1939 |
Runaway Daughters | Edward L. Cahn | 1956 |
Shakedown | Joseph Pevney | 1950 |
She-Creature, The | Edward L. Cahn | 1956 |
Singin' in the Rain | Stanley Donen, Gene Kelly | 1952 |
Sleep, My Love | Douglas Sirk | 1948 |
Small Town Girl | László Kardos | 1953 |
Smart Blonde | Frank McDonald | 1937 |
Song of the Thin Man | Edward Buzzell | 1947 |
Star Is Born, A | George Cukor | 1954 |
Stolen Holiday | Michael Curtiz | 1937 |
Sudden Fear | David Miller | 1952 |
Sweet Bird of Youth | Richard Brooks | 1962 |
Sweet Smell of Success | Alexander Mackendrick | 1957 |
Theodora Goes Wild | Richard Boleslawski | 1936 |
Thin Man, The | W.S. Van Dyke | 1934 |
Thrill of It All, The | Norman Jewison | 1963 |
Till the Clouds Roll By | Vincente Minnelli, Richard Whorf | 1946 |
To Catch a Thief | Alfred Hitchcock | 1955 |
Trocadero | William Nigh | 1944 |
Two Weeks in Another Town | Vincente Minnelli | 1962 |
Unsuspected, The | Michael Curtiz | 1947 |
Velvet Touch, The | Jack Gage | 1948 |
Vertigo | Alfred Hitchcock | 1958 |
Walk Softly, Stranger | Robert Stevenson | 1950 |
Wanted: Jane Turner | Edward Killy | 1936 |
Whiplash | Lewis Seiler | 1948 |
White Christmas | Michael Curtiz | 1954 |
Who's Minding the Store? | Frank Tashlin | 1963 |
Whole Town's Talking, The | John Ford | 1935 |
Wife vs. Secretary | Clarence Brown | 1936 |
Wild Boys of the Road | William A. Wellman | 1933 |
Witness for the Prosecution | Billy Wilder | 1957 |
Woman in Green, The | Roy William Neill | 1945 |
Woman in the Window, The | Fritz Lang | 1944 |
Written on the Wind | Douglas Sirk | 1956 |
You Can't Buy Luck | Lew Landers | 1937 |
Ziegfeld Girl | Robert Z. Leonard, Busby Berkeley | 1941 |
Zombies on Broadway | Gordon Douglas | 1945 |