
Survivor (2015)

Directed by James McTeigue

Thriller | Action

Most recently watched by Kyrandia


A Foreign Service Officer in London tries to prevent a terrorist attack set to hit New York, but is forced to go on the run when she is framed for crimes she did not commit.

Rated PG-13 | Length 96 minutes


Milla Jovovich | Pierce Brosnan | Dylan McDermott | Angela Bassett | Robert Forster | James D'Arcy | Roger Rees | Genevieve O'Reilly | Frances de la Tour | Sonya Cassidy | Antonia Thomas | Sean Teale | Regé-Jean Page | Jing Lusi | Benno Fürmann | Paddy Wallace | Parker Sawyers | Eddie Bagayawa | Alexis Peterman | Steven Robertson | Katarzyna Wolejnio | Dimo Alexiev | Corey Johnson | Ryan Stuart | Bashar Rahal | Susannah Allman | Ben Starr | Ronan Summers

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/28/2024Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned6 stars
07/06/2015TVBlu-rayRented6 stars

Viewing Notes

Well paced but not very realistic. I’d be ok with that except that Jovovich’s security expert played too much like a damsel in distress (even though she came to her own aid). Always great to see Robert Forster but he was underutilized. I feel like some things were left on the editing room floor as well; things hinted at in other scenes that never amounted to anything.

Worth a rent but I can easily see why this never played theaters.


9 years ago

I think this did play S.Barrington for a week (as most of these types do). Seems familiar but I probably passed on that weekend for some reason but that cast should’ve gotten me out. Guessing this will hit NWI at some point so I can check it out.

9 years ago

Yeah, will definitely end up on Netflix. It may have played around here too but I sure don’t recall seeing it.