
Monster Heaven (1986)

Directed by Makoto Tezuka

Horror | Fantasy | Comedy


An anthology of strange horror tales featuring yokai. It begins with astronauts finding a katana on the moon.

Length 50 minutes


Mitsutoshi Ishigami | Naoko Amihama | Masatō Ibu | Noriko Hayami | Shigeru Mizuki | Hideyo Amamoto | Osamu Tezuka | Kazuo Umezu | Eugene Harada

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/21/2023TVBroadcastOther5.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Film number three. This one is an odd, short anthology of three horror tales with a wraparound involving a Russian cosmonaut who finds a cursed samurai sword on the moon. Yeah, you read that right.


4 months ago

Last night I watched the feature film Monster Heaven: Ghost Hero by the same director and I wonder if it was spun out of story in this anthology. Ghost Hero involves a resurrected evil samurai that is partially thwarted by a yokai punk band.

4 months ago

That sounds better than the anthology!