
Spookies (1986)

Directed by Genie Joseph, Thomas Doran, Brendan Faulkner

Horror | Comedy

Most recently watched by sleestakk, noahphex


Taking a wrong turn, travelers find themselves trapped in a mysterious house. One horror after another threatens them as the sorcerer who lives within needs sacrifices to give eternal life to his beautiful bride.

Rated R | Length 85 minutes


Felix Ward | Maria Pechukas | Dan Scott | Alec Nemser | A.J. Lowenthal | Pat Wesley Bryan | Peter Dain | Nick Gionta | Lisa Friede | Joan Ellen Delaney | Peter Iasillo Jr. | Kim Merrill | Charlotte Alexandra | Anthony Valbiro | Soo Paek | Al Magliochetti | James M. Glenn | Gabriel Bartalos | Peter Delynn | John Beatty | Robert Epstein

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/10/2024ComputerBroadcastOther5 stars
02/08/2020Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned5 stars

Viewing Notes

This feels like it could be a Charles Band produced film directed by John Carl Beuchler but it isn’t. Instead it’s a cobbled-together disaster of reshoots passed through multiple director’s hands. I really need to pull out the disc and watch the documentaries about the making of this bastard child. I love the creature effects in this though and it’s a fun movie to watch with a crowd. I’d have watched the shit out of this back in the day if it’d just appeared on late night TV.


4 months ago

Def has that Full Moon quality to it. I meant to get the Blu when it was originally released but never did. the mention of the docs during the chat got me curious and when I looked it up on VS there was only ~100 available so I purchased it. If this hit a decade earlier I would’ve watched the shit out of it. It would’ve been my Goonies or Monster Squad. lol

4 months ago

I love it when watching a movie immediately inspires you to go buy it!