
Black Christmas (1974)

Directed by Bob Clark

Holiday | Horror | Mystery

Most recently watched by AllAboutSteve, sensoria, philipjablon, zombiefreak, schofizzy, DaNiedabaya, eduardovictory, scottfinn


As the residents of the Pi Kappa Sigma sorority house prepare for the festive season, a stranger begins to harass them with a series of obscene phone calls.

Rated R | Length 98 minutes


Olivia Hussey | Keir Dullea | Margot Kidder | John Saxon | Marian Waldman | Andrea Martin | James Edmond | Doug McGrath | Art Hindle | Lynne Griffin | Michael Rapport | Leslie Carlson | Martha Gibson | John Rutter | Robert Warner | Sydney Brown | Jack Van Evera | Les Rubie | Marcia Diamond | Pam Barney | Robert Hawkins | David Clement | Dave Mann | John Stoneham Sr. | Danny Gain | Tom Foreman | Bob Clark | Nick Mancuso | Ann Sweeny

Viewing History (seen 8 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/23/2024TVBlu-rayOwned8 stars
12/20/2023TVBlu-rayOwned7.5 stars
12/24/2021TVStreamingVideo on Demand7 stars
12/25/2020TVStreamingVideo on Demand7 stars
12/13/2019TVBroadcastVideo on Demand7 stars
10/18/2014Movie ScreenFilmTheater7.5 stars
12/24/2012TVDVDLibrary7 stars
12/19/2010TVBroadcastTV7 stars

Viewing Notes

Decided to throw this in since it’s been a while and I’ve forgotten a lot of it. Better than I remembered. Def lives up to its reputation as one of the best slashers. Possibly one of the best Christmas horror flicks too.


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