
Beware: Children at Play (1989)

Directed by Mik Cribben

Horror | Thriller

Most recently watched by sensoria


Parents are in a panic as their children mysteriously disappear. Little do they know that the only thing worse than their children disappearing would be them coming back. After the youngsters of Ellenburg fall under the ruthless control of a cult leader, they turn on their parents with gruesome results.

Rated R | Length 94 minutes


Lori Romero | Michael Robertson | Robin Lilly | Mik Cribben | Lori Tirgrath | Herb Klinger | Lorna Courtney | Danny McClaughlin | Annie Grindlay | Rich Hamilton | Jamie Krause | Sunshine Barrett | Mark Diekman | Susann Chandler | Lauren Cloud | Stephanie Jaworski | Lee Kayman | Bernard Hocke | Eric Tonken | Rick Bitzelberger

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/28/2011ComputerStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

Another expiring title on Instawatch and another I had to view at the office b/c my GF is in town. Again, not ideal. I missed this at the last Music Box Massacre so I was looking forward to view this. Not nearly as good as the title and synopsis you have you believe but still pretty crazy. I’ll revisit under better circumstances.


6 months ago

I have this on Blu-ray if you want to revisit it.

4 months ago

Yes if I remember I’ll gladly borrow and revisit :)