
House (1977)

Directed by Nobuhiko Ōbayashi

Horror | Comedy | Fantasy

Most recently watched by sensoria, schofizzy, archstanton43, eduardovictory, lordofthemovies, themarc


Hoping to find a sense of connection to her late mother, Gorgeous takes a trip to the countryside to visit her aunt at their ancestral house. She invites her six friends, Prof, Melody, Mac, Fantasy, Kung Fu, and Sweet, to join her. The girls soon discover that there is more to the old house than meets the eye.

Rated NR | Length 88 minutes


Kimiko Ikegami | Miki Jinbo | Kumiko Ohba | Ai Matsubara | Mieko Satoh | Eriko Tanaka | Masayo Miyako | Yôko Minamida | Kiyohiko Ozaki | Saho Sasazawa | Asei Kobayashi | Mitsutoshi Ishigami | Ippei Hara | Tetsuo Kanai | Shôichi Hirose | Yasumasa Ônishi | Midori Naitô | Kiyoko Tsuji | Tomokazu Miura | Fumi Dan | Godiego | Haruko Wanibuchi | Gregg Painter | Kazuo Satsuya | Chigumi Ôbayashi | Nobuhiko Ōbayashi | Kyôko Ôbayashi | Chiho Katsura

Viewing History (seen 5 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/15/2023Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned8.5 stars
04/11/2020TVBlu-rayOwned8 stars
04/01/2018TVBlu-rayOwned8.5 stars
10/21/2012Movie ScreenFilmTheater8 stars
02/12/2010TVOtherOther7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Next was Nobuhiko Obayashi’s Hausu (1977), which I’ve heard so much about and thought it might not live up to the hype. Fortunately it delivered in every area. Look forward to the official release of this film… so damn crazy. Horror, comedy, drama, batshit insanity. If I wasn’t leaving for another trip out west I’d be in line for Chicago screening at Siskel Film Center. It’s that damn good.


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