
Nude on the Moon (1961)

Directed by Doris Wishman, Raymond Phelan

Comedy | Science Fiction

Most recently watched by noahphex


A rich rocket scientist organizes an expedition to the moon, which they discover is inhabited by nude women.

Rated R | Length 71 minutes


Marietta | William Mayer | Lester Brown | Pat Reilly | Ira Magee | Lacey Kelly | Shelby Livingston | Robert W. Kyorimee | Joyce M. Geary | Charles Allen | Evelyn Burke | Joyce Brooks | Hugh Brooks | Mary Lassey | R.C. Lassey | Robert B. Lassey | Doris Wishman

Viewing History (seen 3 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/29/2023TVBlu-rayOwned4.5 stars
07/03/2019Movie ScreenFilmTheater4.5 stars
08/23/2013ComputerOtherOther5 stars

Viewing Notes

Pretty goofy and dry considering the salacious subject matter. More hilarious for the idea that this closed resort in Florida would look anything like the environment on the moon. But far from the worst thing I’ve seen.


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