
Nude on the Moon (1961)

Directed by Doris Wishman, Raymond Phelan

Science Fiction | Comedy

Most recently watched by noahphex


A rich rocket scientist organizes an expedition to the moon, which they discover is inhabited by nude women.

Rated R | Length 71 minutes


Marietta | William Mayer | Lester Brown | Pat Reilly | Ira Magee | Lacey Kelly | Shelby Livingston | Robert W. Kyorimee | Joyce M. Geary | Charles Allen | Evelyn Burke | Joyce Brooks | Hugh Brooks | Mary Lassey | R.C. Lassey | Robert B. Lassey | Doris Wishman

Viewing History (seen 3 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/29/2023TVBlu-rayOwned4.5 stars
07/03/2019Movie ScreenFilmTheater4.5 stars
08/23/2013ComputerOtherOther5 stars

Viewing Notes

A good daytime flick despite the explicit content bc really it’s so lighthearted and colorful and silly. Quite jarring to view such a brightly lit, color film from Wishman after viewing all the b&w films in the Moonlight Years set. She’s known for this film yet it’s one of her weaker movies (I can say that now having seen a bunch more thx to these AGFA sets).

Still amusing that I’ve seen this on 35mm via the Chicago Film Society. Definitely one of the more provocative films they’ve shown.


1 year ago

I really need to dive into those AGFA sets.