
Master Z: Ip Man Legacy (2018)

Directed by Yuen Woo-ping

Action | Crime

Most recently watched by sensoria, philipjablon


Following his defeat by Master Ip, Cheung Tin Chi tries to make a life with his young son in Hong Kong, waiting tables at a bar that caters to expats. But it’s not long before the mix of foreigners, money, and triad leaders draw him once again to the fight.

Rated NR | Length 107 minutes


Zhang Jin | Dave Bautista | Michelle Yeoh | Xing Yu | Liu Yan | Kevin Cheng | Tony Jaa | Chrissie Chau | Patrick Tam | Yuen Wah | Philip Keung | Adam Pak | Brian Burrell | Ho Yuen-Tung | Liang Zhi-Wei | Stephen Huynh | Jing Jiang | Wong Man-Biu | Billy Lau | Li Weisheng | Tuan Li | Wen Guangyu | Zhong Yong-Xin | Zhou Gong-Rong | Ning Wei | An Xiaolong | Peng Xu | Lin Xiaodong | Huang Suiwen | Vincent Lam Wai | Yi Zhile | Ma Hanyi | Lee Ying | Xiongfang Tan | Chen Kaiying | Chen Pengfei | Pan Bo | Wu Dong | Xu Wencong

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/30/2022TVBlu-rayOwned7 stars
04/12/2019Movie ScreenDigitalTheater8 stars

Viewing Notes

My final Yuen Woo-ping movie of 2022! This is such a weird yet entertaining movie. I love that it’s so obviously filmed on a massive set and doesn’t hide it. It’s really the kitchen sink of Woo-ping films; he just keeps throwing in things whether the plot needs it or not. Like WTF is Tony Jaa doing in this movie? Just wanted another badass for a couple scenes! Many strange choices. Wish Woo-ping made a sequel to this.

Infatuated with Liu Yan (Julia) in this movie and did not recognize her from her role in BADGES OF FURY, which I watched a couple days ago. Looks totally different (due to the 1950s styling, I guess). Also, Philip Keung isn’t listed at TMDb despite having a significant role. Will add.


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