
Daughter of the Wolf (2019)

Directed by David Hackl

Action | Adventure | Thriller


Ex-military specialist Clair Hamilton returns home from her tour in the Middle East due to her father’s passing and to claim her inheritance. Her son is then kidnapped and held for ransom by a gang led by a mysterious figure known only as “Father”.

Rated R | Length 88 minutes


Gina Carano | Brendan Fehr | Anton Gillis-Adelman | Sydelle Noel | Richard Dreyfuss | Stewart McLean | Brock Morgan | Joshua Murdoch | Chad Riley

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/03/2024TVStreamingVideo on Demand5 stars

Viewing Notes

I liked Carano before she revealed herself to be trash. She’s good in this but everything with Dreyfuss is terrible.


9 months ago

Dreyfuss also turned out to be a problematic dumb fuck so it figures they’d be in a movie together.

7 months ago

If she would’ve taken the advice of everyone close to her and just focused on her career and acting, she could’ve carved out a nice little corner in genre films being an action heroine. ah well