
Godzilla Fest 5: All Monsters Showdown (2024)

Directed by Kazuhiro Nakagawa

Action | Science Fiction | Short


A continuation of “Godzilla Fest 4: Operation Jet Jaguar”, it’s Godzilla and Jet Jaguar vs. a new King Ghidorah!

Length 13 minutes


Naoya Matsumoto | Kenya Saitou | Naoya Iguchi | Toshifumi Shimizu | Yuki Ito | Yuki Kaida | Satoshi Iwagô | Kasai Shinsuke | Yusuke Tomioka | Norman England

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/03/2024PhoneStreamingVideo on Demand7 stars

Viewing Notes

Happy 70th Anniversary, Godzilla! This sequel to Godzilla Fest 4: Jet Jaguar continues where that one ended, the confrontation with Ghidorah. Someone ripped the livestream so the quality was crap but Toho will post the official video soon I imagine. I’ll have more comments then when the subtitles are added. It was funny to see Norman England in this.


4 months ago

From the title I was expecting this to be at least 150 minutes!  hahaha!

4 months ago

I wish it was! It’s such a tease to give two short movies like this. hahaha