
El Topo (1970)

Directed by Alejandro Jodorowsky


Most recently watched by noahphex


El Topo decides to confront warrior Masters on a trans-formative desert journey he begins with his 6 year old son, who must bury his childhood totems to become a man.

Rated NR | Length 125 minutes


Alejandro Jodorowsky | Brontis Jodorowsky | José Legarreta | Alfonso Aráu | José Luis Fernández | David Silva | Ignacio Martínez España | Mara Lorenzio | Paula Romo | Robert John | Jacqueline Luis | Héctor Martínez | Juan José Gurrola | Víctor Fosado | Agustín Isunza | Ali Junco | Gerardo Zepeda | René Barrera | René Alís | Federico Gonzáles | Vicente Lara | Pablo Leder | Giuliano Girini Sasseroli | Cristian Merkel | Aldo Grumelli | Eliseo Gardea Saucedo | Bertha Lomelí | Carlos Lavenant | Eliseo Pereda | Pablo Marichal | Beatriz Beltrán Lobo | Carmen Lamadrid | Pepita González | Cecilia Leger | Elvira Agosti | Antonio Álvarez | Ruben Gonzalez | Víctor Manuel Osorio | José Pérez Bustos | Eduardo Danel | Álvaro García | José Antonio Alcaraz | Felipe Díaz Garza | Patricio Pereda | Marcos E. Contreras | Arturo Silva | Julián de Meriche | Valerie Jodorowsky | José Luis González de León | Francisco González Salazar | Pedro García

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
06/08/2013Movie ScreenFilmTheater8.5 stars
11/26/1999TVVHSRented9 stars

Viewing Notes

Was visiting my brother in ABQ and we discovered this comic/toy store that also rented cult videos. Neither of us I seen this and have wanted to see it for years. So we rented it and were blown away.


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