Sam Harris
Movielogr users have logged 96 movies featuring Sam Harris.
Movies logged featuring Sam HarrisAddress Unknown | William Cameron Menzies | 1944 |
Affair to Remember, An | Leo McCarey | 1957 |
Alias Nick Beal | John Farrow | 1949 |
All the King's Men | Robert Rossen | 1949 |
Assignment: Paris | Robert Parrish | 1952 |
Auntie Mame | Morton DaCosta | 1958 |
Bad and the Beautiful, The | Vincente Minnelli | 1952 |
Blue Dahlia, The | George Marshall | 1946 |
Blue Gardenia, The | Fritz Lang | 1953 |
Born to Be Bad | Nicholas Ray | 1950 |
Breakfast at Tiffany's | Blake Edwards | 1961 |
Bud Abbott and Lou Costello in Hollywood | S. Sylvan Simon | 1945 |
Caine Mutiny, The | Edward Dmytryk | 1954 |
Call Me Madam | Walter Lang | 1953 |
Christmas in Connecticut | Peter Godfrey | 1945 |
Citizen Kane | Orson Welles | 1941 |
Comrade X | King Vidor | 1940 |
Cult of the Cobra | Francis D. Lyon | 1955 |
D.O.A. | Rudolph Maté | 1949 |
Dark Corner, The | Henry Hathaway | 1946 |
Dark Past, The | Rudolph Maté | 1948 |
Dial M for Murder | Alfred Hitchcock | 1954 |
Donovan's Brain | Felix E. Feist | 1953 |
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde | Rouben Mamoulian | 1931 |
East of Eden | Elia Kazan | 1955 |
Easter Parade | Charles Walters | 1948 |
Experiment Perilous | Jacques Tourneur | 1944 |
File on Thelma Jordon, The | Robert Siodmak | 1949 |
Flamingo Road | Michael Curtiz | 1949 |
Foreign Correspondent | Alfred Hitchcock | 1940 |
Funny Face | Stanley Donen | 1957 |
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes | Howard Hawks | 1953 |
Giant | George Stevens | 1956 |
Gilda | Charles Vidor | 1946 |
Great Dictator, The | Charlie Chaplin | 1940 |
Great Race, The | Blake Edwards | 1965 |
Gunga Din | George Stevens | 1939 |
Hangmen Also Die! | Fritz Lang | 1943 |
Here Comes Trouble | Fred Guiol | 1948 |
His Kind of Woman | John Farrow | 1951 |
Hollywood or Bust | Frank Tashlin | 1956 |
Home Before Dark | Mervyn LeRoy | 1958 |
House on 56th Street, The | Robert Florey | 1933 |
I Walk Alone | Byron Haskin | 1947 |
In Name Only | John Cromwell | 1939 |
It Should Happen to You | George Cukor | 1954 |
Jack the Giant Killer | Nathan H. Juran | 1962 |
Keeper of the Flame | George Cukor | 1943 |
Killers, The | Robert Siodmak | 1946 |
Lady on a Train | Charles David | 1945 |
Laura | Otto Preminger | 1944 |
Limelight | Charlie Chaplin | 1952 |
Lives of a Bengal Lancer, The | Henry Hathaway | 1935 |
Locket, The | John Brahm | 1946 |
Lone Wolf Spy Hunt, The | Peter Godfrey | 1939 |
Love Me Tonight | Rouben Mamoulian | 1932 |
Lured | Douglas Sirk | 1947 |
Major and the Minor, The | Billy Wilder | 1942 |
Man I Love, The | Raoul Walsh | 1946 |
Man Who Knew Too Much, The | Alfred Hitchcock | 1956 |
Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, The | John Ford | 1962 |
Mary Poppins | Robert Stevenson | 1964 |
Mask of Dimitrios, The | Jean Negulesco | 1944 |
Meet Me in St. Louis | Vincente Minnelli | 1944 |
Monsieur Verdoux | Charlie Chaplin | 1947 |
Monster and the Girl, The | Stuart Heisler | 1941 |
Murder by Television | Clifford Sanforth | 1935 |
My Fair Lady | George Cukor | 1964 |
My Favorite Spy | Tay Garnett | 1942 |
No Man of Her Own | Mitchell Leisen | 1950 |
Old Acquaintance | Vincent Sherman | 1943 |
Pal Joey | George Sidney | 1957 |
Paradine Case, The | Alfred Hitchcock | 1947 |
People Will Talk | Joseph L. Mankiewicz | 1951 |
Philadelphia Story, The | George Cukor | 1940 |
Pitfall | André De Toth | 1948 |
Pocketful of Miracles | Frank Capra | 1961 |
Raffles | Sam Wood | 1939 |
Roaring Twenties, The | Raoul Walsh | 1939 |
Saboteur | Alfred Hitchcock | 1942 |
Sabrina | Billy Wilder | 1954 |
Secret Fury, The | Mel Ferrer | 1950 |
Shockproof | Douglas Sirk | 1949 |
Singin' in the Rain | Stanley Donen, Gene Kelly | 1952 |
Small Town Girl | László Kardos | 1953 |
Some Like It Hot | Billy Wilder | 1959 |
Sound of Music, The | Robert Wise | 1965 |
Star, The | Stuart Heisler | 1952 |
Star Is Born, A | George Cukor | 1954 |
Strangers on a Train | Alfred Hitchcock | 1951 |
This Gun for Hire | Frank Tuttle | 1942 |
This Land Is Mine | Jean Renoir | 1943 |
Three Strangers | Jean Negulesco | 1946 |
Toby Tyler or Ten Weeks with a Circus | Charles Barton | 1960 |
Underworld Story, The | Cy Endfield | 1950 |
Unsuspected, The | Michael Curtiz | 1947 |