
Rumble in the Bronx (1995)

Directed by Stanley Tong

Action | Comedy | Crime

Most recently watched by sleestakk


Keong comes from Hong Kong to visit New York for his uncle’s wedding. His uncle runs a market in the Bronx and Keong offers to help out while Uncle is on his honeymoon. During his stay in the Bronx, Keong befriends a neighbor kid and beats up some neighborhood thugs who cause problems at the market. One of those petty thugs in the local gang stumbles into a criminal situation way over his head.

Rated R | Length 106 minutes


Jackie Chan | Anita Mui | Françoise Yip | Bill Tung | Marc Akerstream | Garvin Cross | Morgan Lam | Ailen Sit | Chan Man-Ching | Fred Andrucci | Mark Antoniuk | Lauro Chartrand | Chris Franco | Lance Gibson | David Hooper | Kathy Hubble | Terrance Leigh | Dean Mckenzie | Kimani Ray Smith | Lisa Stevens | Kris Lord | Richard Faraci | Mark Fielding | Terry Howson | Jordan Lennox | Gabriel Ostevic | John Sampson | Owen Walstrom | Carrie Cain-Sparks | Guyle Fraizer | David Fredericks | Harold Gillespie | Alf Humphreys | Elliot Ngok | Rainbow Ching | Jamie Luk Kim-Ming | Richard O'Sullivan | Alecia Paget | John McGrath | Adrian Parkinson | Rick Burgess | Eddy Ko | Annabelle Louie | Wakin Chau | Alex To Tak-Wai | Glen Chin | Victor Formosa | Rocky Lai | James McKenzie | Lee Sollenberger

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/20/2020Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned7 stars
02/07/2017Home TheaterStreamingVideo on Demand8 stars

Viewing Notes

Hard to believe I’d never seen this film before! I chose this as my Jackie Chan film for the Hong Kong Cinema class I’m taking online.


8 years ago

A little surprised you hadn’t seen that. I believe this is the first Jackie Chan movie I saw on the big screen when it had a limited run in theaters. I’ve probably seen this the most because it always ran on some cable channel since that time. I love that it’s so obvious they aren’t really in NYC esp. during the hovercraft sequence.

8 years ago

Honestly thought I’d seen it before but almost certain I hadn’t after watching it. Surprising to me too!